Monday, January 19, 2009

Upward Basketball

Matt giving the girls coaching tips and below Skylar and good friend Sami.
Skylar started Upward Basketball in January and she is doing great! Matt and Abuelo are coaching the team and in her first game she scored 3 baskets. Matt challenged her in her second game to try and score 5 baskets and she did it! We are so proud of how quickly she has picked up the game. Each week they get an award for excelling in a different aspect of the game and the first week Skylar got Most Sportsman-like play and this week she got the award for Best All around play. Great job Skylar!!! I intend to post the video once I figure out how to do that. Jessica if you are reading this I need your help with this!!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

We spent New Years in Va. with my very best friends Nicole and Ami and their families. With 8 kids all under the age of 7 years old in one house it was very crazy, but they had so much fun together. Nicole was a great host and her home is so beautiful. After finally getting the kids to bed we were able to relax and pop open some bubbly and celebrate together. I am so blessed to have such great friends! Happy New Year!

Christmas with Grandad and Kathy

Christmas with Grandad and Kathy was fun! Thanks for the cool McQueen car for Jayse, DS game for Skylar and the crafts and coloring items for Riley. These are great gifts and the kids loved spending time with them!!

The kids Christmas play

The kids put on a great Christmas play for the grown ups on Christmas night. Faith did a good job of coordinating the whole thing. they came up with the costumes and parts themselves. Skylar played some beautiful Christmas songs on the piano while Faith read from Luke Ch. 2 of the birth of our savior. Riley was a Shepherd and Mia a sheep, Skylar and Trey were wise men. Jayse was Joseph and Megan was Mary. Baby Jesus played by Dominic had to go to bed so we used a fill in doll to take his part. We were so proud of the kids!

More Christmas fun

Aunt Lori and family were able to make it up for Christmas. We had a great time together! The kids got more gifts at Tia's house Christmas night. We had a big dinner and Aunt Lori introduced us to Gumbo... Yummy!!!

Christmas 2008

Chirstmas morning has finally come!!! Here are the kids with some of their favorite gifts. Other favs: the Wii from Grandma, The buzz lightyear space ship and Lightning McQueen car from Abuela, DS games, webkinz........ and the list goes on and on......

Riley's Christmas Play & party

The pictures from Riley's Christmas show did not come out very clear because she was in the back but she did such a great job! They sang many Christmas songs and had a re-enacting of the manager scene. Afterwards it was time for a birthday cake in the classroom for Jesus! Riley loves the icing!!