Saturday, February 11, 2012


Riley and Megan play hard at Knights league basketball!
Trophy time!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Riley gets Baptized!

All the kids pose after Riley gets baptized
Riley getting Baptized by Pastor Jim
Afterwards we had some special time with family and friends and of course had Riley's new favorite food: Dickey's barbeque!
Time to eat!
This is Riley just before the Baptism. Jessica let's her wear her shirt to show everyone who she is living for!!
Riley we are so proud of you making this decision to tell the world that you have recieved Jesus as your savior and have a relationship with Him!

Jayse plays Basketball

School Days!!

Jayse celebrates 100 days of school. He wore 100 rockets and planets on his shirt. The Kindergartner's paraded through the hallways and sang songs to recognize this great milestone. They ended the party by each letting go a balloon. Everyone had a great time!

Riley's field trip to the fire station. We learned a lot about fire safety and got to pray for our local fire fighters. Thank God for firemen!
Riley tries on the coat. Wow, it was heavy!